Over $500,000 must be raised by the end of March to protect 36+ acres of vital old coastal forest near Harrison Mills. 

For Immediate Release  

January 29, 2025  

FRASER VALLEY, B.C. – The Nature Trust of British Columbia, a leading land conservation charity in B.C. has a unique opportunity to conserve old coastal forest up to 250 years old within the Fraser Valley and is taking action to raise $515,900 by March 31st to protect 36.3 acres (14.7 hectares) of Lake Errock’s ecologically significant land near Harrison Mills before it is sold or developed.  

“Lake Errock is a biodiversity powerhouse located in B.C.’s Lower Mainland,” says Dr. Jasper Lament, CEO of the Nature Trust of BC. “Saving its forests and carbon-absorbing wetlands will build resiliency in the lower Fraser River watershed – less than an hour drive from Metro Vancouver and its population of more than three million. At risk and endangered species like the Great Blue Heron, the Western Painted Turtle and the Barn Swallow depend on this ecologically significant land for their survival but its timber values and proximity to Vancouver makes this critical habitat vulnerable to harvesting and development. We’re counting on support from across the Lower Mainland to help us buy and protect old coastal forest along Lake Errock, forever. We must take action now.” 

Lake Errock is located within the traditional territory of the Sq’éwlets First Nation. The area has rich cultural significance. 

The Nature Trust of BC focusses on strategic conservation of ecologically important ecosystems in the province such as those found along Lake Errock. With its mix of towering Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock, and Western Redcedar trees situated within temperate coastal forest ecosystems unique to the Pacific Northwest, along with its biodiverse wetlands, this rare opportunity will protect critical habitat for a diversity of wildlife species. Not much of this type of old forest is left in the Lower Mainland, making this a rare and unique opportunity. 

Saving the old forest along Lake Errock from harvesting or development will forever protect critical habitat for species at risk who rely on these ecosystems for their survival. By protecting and stewarding these lands forever, species such as the iconic endangered Spotted Owl—of which there is only one female left in the wild in BC—could be given a chance for recovery. Species that are threatened or of special concern, such as the Great Blue Heron, Northern Red-legged Frog, and Western Painted Turtle will be given a refuge that is spared from further habitat loss. This project is so important for the efforts to recover iconic old growth dependent species and ensure a home for Spotted Owls to thrive in the future. 

Donate here to help the Nature Trust of BC raise $515,900 to buy and protect old coastal forest along Lake Errock now and for future generations.  

Find out more about the Nature Trust’s current conservation projects here. 

The Nature Trust of British Columbia is a leading non-profit land conservation charity with over 50 years of success protecting and caring for B.C.’s most critical habitats. Since 1971, The Nature Trust of BC and its partners have conserved more than 73,000 hectares (180,000 acres) of ecologically significant land to save vulnerable wildlife, fish and plants.


Visit: www.naturetrust.bc.ca 

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IMAGES here. Photos by Jess Findlay


The Nature Trust of BC 

Alicia Arruda, Senior Account Manager 

