With funding from BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund, The Nature Trust of BC has been working with our partners in the West Coast Conservation Land Management Program and Coastal First Nations on the Enhancing Estuary Resilience Program. Starting in 2019, this is a 5 year project to improve estuary habitat to enhance the long-term sustainability and health of wild BC fish stocks.
In this video created by the Hakai Institute, Jared Dick, Uu-a-thluk Central Region Biologist, explains his work for the Enhancing Estuary Resilience Program at the Moyeha River Estuary. With many salmon populations declining in this river, Dick’s research focuses on understanding the health and fitness of juvenile salmon to hopefully gain a clearer understanding of what challenges they are facing.
If you want to see beautiful footage of the Moyeha River Estuary and want to learn more about Dick and his important work, take a look at this video: